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Positive Pushback? The needed ingredient for Change Management Success

Positive Pushback? This phrase appears oxymoronic at a glance. But when a businessperson understands the disruptive nature of change management, experiencing pushback becomes not only an anticipated response, but welcomed as pushback is an indicator that positive change is eminent. The change management model appears to be complex with moving parts such as research, assessment, honest communication, accurate reporting, accountability, and an abiding expectation of developing a positive business outcome with measurable results. However, viewing the change management process from the lens of “blueprint” and “roadmap” is the initial step in understanding and accepting the process of change. “Change agents” include company leadership such as the principle, board members and c-suite executives. In addition, consultants and those engaged to plan and facilitate the change within the organization are considered as change agents as well. The journey of change management is a winding road. In the diagram above, pushback is experienced in phases 3 and/or 4 of the Change Management Process. This is the first step in leaning into the disruption caused by change as then it becomes clear that “pushback” is an initial indicator that the change event has officially begun. Gaining the buy-in of stakeholders within the organization is key. However, it is not uncommon for push-back to be experienced at the board and executive levels. This is typically the case when hidden personal agendas by the gatekeepers are in jeopardy of being exposed. This appears to be a potential negative. However, the process is an opportunity to recalibrate the purpose and mission of the gatekeepers and bring them along as re-enlisted supporters that will allow the change management process to proceed and become allies of the change agents. Now that the change agents are unencumbered and refortified by the buy-in of the stakeholders, all of the pieces are in place for positive change to happen. Any push-back from entry-level candidates, general employees, middle management and even supervisors and team leaders of the organization can be met with the coordinated effort of prepared, well meaning, and unyielding leadership that not only demands change but has the teeth to eliminate threats and weakness and replace them with opportunities and strengths. No one enjoys pushback in business. But for the sophisticated change agent, pushback is the needed ingredient for Change Management Success ~Dr. John Chapman Senior Managing Consultant, HME Consulting, Inc. Image within this article was acquired from the public domain:

Types of Compensation Examined in Non-Profit Reasonable Compensation

Issues raised by exempt compensation: A. Inurement, B. private benefit, C. self-dealing, D. other factors of reasonableness. When evaluating an exempt's organizations employee's compensation and all forms of compensation paid must be included in its analysis. Below for the purpose of this conversation compensation includes at least the following: 1. salaries and wages, 2.Contribution to a pension and profit-sharing plan, 3. unpaid deferred compensation, 4. payment of personal expenses, 5. Rents royalties and fees, 6. Personal use of property and facilities. The gross income of a licensed commissioned and ordained minister does not include the fair rental value of a home, or a housing allowance paid, as a part of the minister's compensation for services performed that ordinarily the duties of the minister. A minister who was furnished a Parsonage may exclude from income the fair rental value of the Parsonage, including utilities, however, under these circumstances the amount excluded cannot be more than the reasonable pay for the minister services. If the minister owns the home, you may still claim deductions for mortgage interest and real property taxes period if your housing allowance exceeds the lesser of your reasonable salary, the fair rental value of the home, or your actual expenses, you must include the amount of the excess as other income. A minister who receives a housing allowance may exclude the following gross income to the extent it is used to pay expenses and providing a home. Generally, those expenses include rent, mortgage, utilities, repairs, and other expenses directly relating to providing a home the amount excluded cannot be more than the reasonable pay for the minister's services. ~Dr. Damien S. Fields, President & CEO, HME Consulting, Inc.

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